Kamis, 04 Juli 2019

Mycro releases the power of local communities 

Mycro can be interpreted as completing work easily.
Do you want to have a clean apartment but can't find the time to do it yourself?
Offer job vacancies directly in our beautifully designed Mycro application and make sure you are connected quickly with community members who can help you!

Do you want to make money quickly and easily?

Explore the Mycro application and find the job that works best for you. Register now and complete the work you want.

Mycro releases the power of local communities by implementing the Mycro protocol to connect people. Through this game change platform, it will open the door to becoming the number one market in the world to match real-time jobs.

The service that you will get when you open this application is
Home Services
Delivery service
Virtual Services
Skilled service
Why is the Blockchain?
Fast and Simple Use
Low cost
Symbol: MYO
Softcap: € 3,500,000
Hardcap: € 14,000,000
Supply tokens: 100,000,000 MYO
Private sales: 26,000,000 MYO
Main sales: 40,000,000 MYO
Blockchain Specifications: ERC20 Tokens
Method of participation: ETH *
Start ICO: Q4 / 2018

For more information :

Website: http://www.mycrojobs.io/
WhitePaper: http://www.mycrojobs.io/
Medium: https://medium.com/mycrojobs
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mycrojobs/
Telegram: https://t.me/mycrojobs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mycrojobs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mycro.jobs/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Gk4r0HRGFnOMfX3tWEfGw/

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2019

Bolttcoin akan memiliki tawaran $ 1 miliar

BolttCoin.io adalah platform online untuk perlindungan sosial, berdasarkan hubungan blok, yang akan bertujuan untuk menciptakan komunitas virtual para pelaku sektor kesehatan. Selain itu, platform ini akan menyediakan perangkat teknis yang dapat dipakai untuk pasar perawatan kesehatan untuk menggunakan dan merangsang pengguna yang ingin tetap bugar dan sebagai imbalan menerima hadiah untuk itu. Bahkan, BolltCoin akan bekerja untuk memotivasi orang sedemikian rupa untuk merangsang pertumbuhan kesehatan

Pelanggan Bolttcoin Marketplace akan mencari barang dan layanan dasar yang berkaitan dengan perawatan kesehatan di mana mereka dapat membayar menggunakan token platform mereka sendiri, Bolttcoin (BOLTT) BolttCoin

layanan medis juga menggunakan untuk menerima layanan medis penting dengan harga diskon

Dompet BolttCoin sebagai syarat untuk layanan pembayaran, ada dompet dengan beberapa tanda tangan untuk menyimpan alat fiktif dan samar khusus

Turnamen dan peserta permainan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam permainan dan olahraga di bidang kesehatan dan mendapatkan BolttCoin

Poin bunga pertukaran untuk memastikan likuiditas cryptocurrency. Boltt menyediakan portal pertukaran yang andal untuk konversi Bolttcoin.

BolttCoin menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk kemampuan game. Pengguna dapat memperoleh token dari akhir masalah kesehatan yang ditetapkan dan bertaruh pada data. Selain itu, pemilik akan menggunakan token untuk membayar transaksi, produk, dan layanan dalam ekosistem yang didesentralisasi.

Keuntungan dari koin Boltt

Dapatkan penghargaan dalam bentuk BolttCoin, mencapai tujuan pribadi di bidang kesehatan dan melalui klarifikasi sosial data kesehatan.

Permintaan kolosal yang potensial adalah keinginan yang melekat untuk menggabungkan layanan kesehatan ke dalam rantai blok, dan BolttCoin menawarkan preseden yang mungkin untuk permintaan BolttCoin.

Protokol blockchain terkonjugasi blockchain ganda memungkinkan pengguna BolttCoin untuk mengambil keuntungan menggunakan penanda berbasis astral dan wave.

Baut Koin BOLTT Token ICO

Bolttcoin akan memiliki tawaran $ 1 miliar, di mana kerumunan akan menjual 50% dari token. Penjualan Crowd Sale akan dimulai dari 20 Mei 2018, hingga 20 Juni 2018.

Web : https://bolttcoin.io
Whitepaper : https://bolttcoin.io/BolttCoinWhitePaper-V1.0.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/BolttCoin
Twitter : https://twitter.com/bolttsports
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bolttsports

ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3276720


Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

Crypto-currency lovers, investors in new projects based on modern blockbuster technology, still do not have a convenient and universal platform for all operations and services related to the crypto economy. Crypto site development is done by many companies. Among them, the project of providing broad financial services in the field of cryptography - eCoinomic

Project Details eCoinomic

eCoinomic is a project of a future platform that will focus on providing and developing financial services using Blockchain technology as the basis for its development. eCoComic plans to provide transparent, secure and easy-to-use financial services for all users. The project promises to provide the best and reasonable access to financial services for investors and traders of crypto currency.

eCoinomic is developed using systems and resources that support the creation of a universal financial ecosystem. The advantage of platform is the application of innovative technology. The eCoinomic task is to create the best financial services for crypto investors worldwide. eCoinomic will provide financial services that let you manage your assets easily and securely. In addition, the eCoinomic platform will provide lending, investment, hedging, exchange and crypto transactions, with full integration of the services into a single system. eCoinomic is developed by a team of experienced professionals in various fields, understanding what issues to solve and how to do it. eCoinomic provides a reliable credit system based on cryptoeconomics. This project will ensure a comfortable investment management from any time period. Integration to popular services such as eBay and Amazon will be created, which will allow users to pay for payments directly using the eCoinomic payment system.

Any user-initiated transactions will be based on a CNC token, which will be used to support the platform's internal financial system. Token is based on ERC 20 system, based on Ethereum Blockchain. eCoinomic can be a short-term credit tool for startups that require investment in development funds. The project platform will be multicurrency. In addition to currency, more than ten major crypto currencies will be used.

It is planned to use secure Smart Contract on the platform, which will ensure the transparency and security of every user transaction. The construction of such a platform will ultimately lead to the creation of a profitable and considerable financial ecosystem all the user's financial needs.

The block chain is an unchanging record of information that stores all digital transactions. This technology was first introduced by humans under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and has since become the most popular application field for new projects and investments. Blockchain allows you to distribute all the information to visitors, so there is no need for central authority, which means there is no way to track, check and intervene in digital financial transactions. Blokchan is still a young technology, is in active development, ongoing improvement, has become more efficient and reliable than traditional obsolete systems, so banks, governments and other institutions are planning to use this technology.

Crediting on the eCoinomic platform

To achieve a wide distribution of projects among users around the world, the organizers will introduce a shared lending function. Each platform participant can give its assets to other participants for a particular interest and a certain period of time. The system itself will conduct an analysis of those who want to give credit to others who want to receive it and provide a list of the most profitable offerings. Then, with the use of the Smart contract, the deal will be concluded. In addition, the system will monitor the implementation of interest payments and refunds to user accounts.

This project will actively utilize all the advantages of "smart function".
This will allow you to actively inform your members of the exchange rate changes on various exchanges. This will enable participants to actively change their strategy, and use the opportunity to engage in arbitration.

Road map, eCoinomic development plan

The company plans to introduce the best financial services and functions available in the world of practice.

ICO eCoinomic project, token sales

For those who want to invest in a project, an opportunity is offered to participate in an initial sale of tokens. There are several stages planned: the initial sales and the main round, which in turn is divided into several sub-stages. Pre-sail will be held from 15 March to 30 April 2018, the main sales round - from 1 May to 1 June 2018. 80% of tokens will be allocated for public sale, 14% - rewards to founders and project partners, 6% for project advisors.

The most favorable price is expected for the initial ICO participants: 0.01 USD for 1 CNC, the minimum contribution for participation in this phase is 1500 USD, the identification procedure is mandatory. Token sold during the pre-sale round will be frozen for 5 months after the end of ICO, or purchased by the project team at 0.02 USD. Possible methods of payment: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, DASH, XMR, BTG, ETC, NEO.

Main round of tokenail:

0.05 USD for one token and minimum 200 USD.
At this stage, there are bonuses, depending on the amount of fees.
The minimum collection of project money is 9,000,000 USD,
the maximum cost is 35,000,000 USD,
Tokensail will continue until it reaches the upper limit or until June 1, 2018. All unsold tokens will be burned by smart contract.

To participate in the purchase of tokens, go to https://ecoinomic.net/ and sign up to receive tokens:

Fund distribution:

56% - marketing costs, alpha launch version;
22% - research and development for the platform;
22% - legal and organizational costs.
Distribution of funds collected during major ICO:

37% of funds will operate and insurance funds;
12% - development;
9% - marketing;
2% - technical security audit;
2% - legal support;
1% - operating costs.

For More Info Please Visit:

Website: https://ecoinomic.net/
Whitepaper: https://ecoinomic.net/docs/eCoinomic_WP_0213.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecoinomic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ecoinomicnet


Selasa, 24 Juli 2018


Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk menemukan kembali pengalaman World Wide Web dengan menempatkan privasi orang sebagai prioritas utama kami, sehingga menawarkan Internet yang lebih aman, tidak dapat dilacak, tanpa malware dan iklan gratis.

Instansi pemerintah dan perusahaan-perusahaan Internet besar yang akan tetap tidak disebutkan namanya berkembang pada pelacakan setiap langkah Anda! Hanya bersama-sama kita dapat menempatkan STOP untuk ini!
Saat ini situs web penuh dengan iklan yang mencoba untuk menjual sesuatu yang menurut mereka Anda butuhkan dengan menciptakan pengalaman penjelajahan yang tidak ramah dan menjengkelkan. Selain itu, banyak dari mereka yang menyembunyikan malware, iklan scammy, atau skrip pertambangan.

Platform Online.io bertujuan untuk membuat perubahan Internet yang inovatif, dengan merevolusi pengalaman browsing dan membuatnya lebih cepat, tidak dapat dilacak, tanpa malware dan bebas iklan.

Operator situs web mendapatkan sejumlah besar pendapatan dari iklan, yang dapat diubah dengan menerapkan solusi kami berdasarkan pada teknologi Blockchain yang sangat skalabel, transparan, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan sepenuhnya, yang akan memastikan bahwa mereka mendapatkan remunerasi yang adil berdasarkan jumlah pengunjung, waktu yang dihabiskan untuk mereka halaman dan interaksi dengan situs, menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih sesuai untuk kualitas, sebagai lawan dari halaman web yang didorong oleh spam.

Sistem penilaian situs web baru akan dikembangkan untuk komunitas dan Anda sebagai bagian dari komunitas ini akan memutuskan kualitas situs web yang Anda kunjungi. Ini akan menurunkan waktu dan stres yang dihabiskan untuk mengeklik laman umpan dan Anda akan memiliki lebih banyak waktu untuk laman yang berharga.

Berbasis Ethereum
Solusi kami menggunakan token ERC20 standar dari platform Ethereum yang menjamin transparansi dan akuntabilitas penuh, yang berarti semua transaksi akan terlihat di BlockChain publik.

Tanpa iklan
Pada saat ini, pengguna web membayar untuk menjelajahi internet, baik melalui langganan atau melalui biaya yang kurang transparan, seperti iklan digital. Dalam lingkungan yang dibayangkan kami, pengguna web akan menikmati iklan Internet gratis, sementara operator web masih akan mendapat manfaat dari imbalan finansial

Tanpa Pelacakan
Dalam masyarakat yang saling terhubung saat ini, perusahaan mengadopsi praktik penelusuran online dan perilaku yang kurang transparan. Informasi yang sangat sensitif, seperti catatan keuangan dan kesehatan sering dikumpulkan, sehingga menimbulkan banyak sekali masalah privasi. Solusi kami menggabungkan pencekalan skrip pelacakan yang akan sangat mengganggu kemampuan untuk terus melacak aktivitas pengguna secara real-time

Perlindungan Antivirus
Ekspansi besar-besaran Internet dan tingkat konektivitas yang tinggi menyebabkan peningkatan yang serupa atau bahkan lebih dramatis dalam serangan cyber yang bertujuan mengumpulkan informasi sensitif dan rahasia. Salah satu cara paling menonjol dalam melakukan serangan cyber adalah melalui situs web yang terinfeksi yang biasanya berisi skrip malware tersembunyi. Solusi kami akan melindungi pengguna akhir menggunakan skrip anti-malware dan pencekalan iklan khusus yang akan melindungi data pribadi mereka dan meningkatkan keamanan mereka.

Browsing Lebih Cepat
Orang-orang menyadari bahwa iklan online memperlambat kecepatan penjelajahan mereka, maka semakin banyak pengguna yang menggunakan pemblokir iklan untuk menavigasi internet lebih cepat. Melalui solusi kami, pengguna akhir akan mendapat manfaat dari efek menggunakan pemblokir iklan, sementara juga menikmati pengalaman yang lebih aman dan pribadi karena fitur lainnya. Selain itu, operator web masih dapat memonetisasi konten situs web mereka.

Ekstensi browser
Solusi kami hadir dengan ekstensi untuk semua browser desktop dan seluler utama dan termasuk pemblokir iklan, pelacakan pemblokir skrip, anti malware, dan dompet web. Di atas, kami akan mengintegrasikan sistem pemungutan suara yang akan membantu mengatur internet.
Aplikasi seluler
Aplikasi seluler kami akan berfungsi sebagai dompet, pemblokir iklan, pelacakan pemblokir skrip dan anti malware. Aplikasi seluler juga akan berisi peningkat kinerja dan waktu baterai yang akan lebih meningkatkan pengalaman menjelajah.

Dompet kami akan berfungsi di semua sistem operasi utama dan browser. Ponsel dan tablet akan memiliki satu aplikasi untuk dompet, pemblokir iklan, skrip pelacakan, anti malware, dan sistem operasi desktop juga akan memiliki dompet aplikasi khusus.

Situs web kami akan memiliki bagian lengkap yang didedikasikan untuk menemukan semua tempat di mana Anda dapat membeli menggunakan sistem pedagang yang dikembangkan di rumah. Selain itu, pasar akan berisi informasi terperinci mengenai bagaimana pedagang lain dapat mengintegrasikan sistem pedagang kami. Informasi mengenai kelompok mitra internasional juga akan tersedia.
Pedagang Pedagang akan dapat menerima pembayaran kripto


Tanggal mulai Pre Sale: 15 Juni 2018
Tanggal mulai umum: 10 Juli 2018
TGE tanggal akhir 31 Juli 2018
Max OIO token 2.500.000.000
Harga token OIO $ 0,04
Soft cap: $ 5.000.000
Hard cap: $ 50.000.000
Mekanika Token
15 Juni - 19 Juni - 25% Bonus
20 Juni - 24 Juni - 20% Bonus
25 Juni - 29 Juni - 15% Bonus
30 Juni - 4 Juli - Bonus 10%
5 Juli - 9 Juli - 5% Bonus
10 Juli - 31 Juli - Tanpa Bonus

Dasar dari retribusi moneter bagi para operator halaman Internet adalah konfirmasi dari Internet, dan khususnya jumlah yang menjelaskan jumlah waktu yang dihabiskan oleh pengguna di situs web Internet manapun. Yang paling mendasar, seolah-olah ada yang akan menggunakan tampilan iklan yang gratis, tidak berbahaya dan pribadi. Selain itu, pengguna akhir akan dapat menganggap situs Internet apa pun berdasarkan eksperimen mereka sendiri, menggunakan sistem pemungutan suara berdasarkan pada 1 hingga 5 langit bintang. Kemudian langit berbintang akan diubah berdasarkan rumus algoritmik dalam Trust Rating, yang akan berfungsi sebagai penunjuk ke properti situs Internet apa pun, yang diberikan oleh para tamunya.


Situs web: https://online.io/
Buku putih: https://online.io/download/OIO-Whitepaper.pdf
JN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3452258
Telegram: https://t.me/OnlineIO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Online.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnlineIO_


Jumat, 20 Juli 2018


The Ubcoin market has developed solutions based on artificial intelligence to predict the optimal cost of goods. This system allows buyers to immediately receive objective information about the price of the goods in relation to the recommended price obtained by market analysis. The seller can then confidently set an optimal price for their goods, ensuring the demand.

Project Marketing

2. GREAT News is the announcement of the new big smartphone manufacturer - LG - among the project partners. The contract was signed in the last days of June, and the news was officially announced last week.

Publications in 19 media in English, Korean, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, German, French, Arabic, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Portuguese.

3. Review of fresh Youtube videos:

Korean, Hype Factor https://youtu.be/kmEsDQSgCAQ

Poland, Nowampson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkOHaggg6yM

Turkey, Kripto Mert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbdV2AOMfoM

US, Crypto Randy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5M-KnQWYHU

Japan, Kosuke https://youtu.be/OpXMPnSoWoQ

Update Tokensale

4. Procedural updates

Stage 5 of tokenale has expired in July, 10. Stage 6 has started, the discount is 9%.
Referral bonus payments in progress.
All air sign tokens have been distributed.
5. Exchange List:

Agree with two exchanges on acceptable legal configuration required for listing.
Work with lawyers to obtain legal opinion about UBC tokens under United States, Singapore law.

5. The Ubcoin team held a meeting in Seoul (South Korea) on July 14 to showcase the product development results. Ubcoin Market invites crypto and investor enthusiasts for the meeting that will take place at Novotel Ambassador Gangnam on 14 July at 14:00.

6. Last week Stan Danysh (Ubcoin COO) and Lana Mik (Ubcoin marketing manager) visited China to represent Ubcoin at the Wuzhen World Blockchain Conference. Stan was interviewed by Chinese media and attended a private exclusive VIP dinner with blockchain projects and investors. The Ubcoin team has an impressive exhibit stand and distributes key flyers, key chains, and envelopes of a special branded iPhone to visitors. For 2 days, over a thousand people visited Ubcoin booth - taking photos, asking questions about Ubcoin, joining the WeChat group and taking part in the Ubcoin token sale. See the picture here: https://medium.com/@ubcoin/ubcoin-at-wuzhen-world-blockchain-conference-thank-you-china-3c1b41af1a0e

7. The initial exploratory partnership talks have begun with a large Chinese blockchain platform.

Great potential of Ubcoin Market

The rapid development of cryptocurency will spur the change in the use of fiatcurency into cryptocurency in trading activities. For that, the world community will need a marketplace platform that allows people around the world can sell or buy an item using the eye cryptocurency. There are at least 4 reasons why Ubcoin Market will become a marketplace platform that will be very successful in the future.
Great Potential of Ubcoin Market
1. Many people want a simple and secure way to earn crypto money, but they do not know how. They are not miners, not traders, they are just individuals who see the added value of investing in crypto currency. The number of owners of crypto currency is projected to increase from 22 million today to more than 200 million by 2020.
2. However these same people are very comfortable with purchases and sales on Ebay, Amazon, WeChat, Taobao and the like. By 2016, the market accounted for 44% of the $ 2.44 trillion spent on these marketplace sites in 2016.
3. Crypto currency wallets are typically concentrated on mobile devices, with more than 65% of wallets being mobile apps. Global Smartphone users are projected to reach 37% by 2020.
4. The global population of digital buyers will surpass 2 billion people by 2020.

About tokens and ICO

☑️ Name: UBCoin
☑️ Symbol: UBC
☑️ Total: 4,000,000,000 UBC
☑️ Network Token: Ethereum ERC20
☑️ Pre-Selling Personal Limited: 200 000 000
☑️ Public Placement (ICO): 1 800 000 000
☑️ Team Allocation: 480 000 000
☑️ Bounty & Advisors: 160 000 000
☑️ Community Rewards: 120 000 000
☑️ Backup: 1 240 000 00
Phase 6 Sales Token

☑️ Token not sold

➠ Tokens printed only after payment by ETH, so no token is unsold
which will be closing the token-making event.
☑️ Payment Method Token
➠ We only accept ETH from ERC-20 standard wallet tokens, sending ETH from the exchange can cause loss of your funds.
☑️ Vesting Team, Anti-Dumping Measures
➠ Ubcoin UBC allotment team is intended to be locked during the first six months after the distribution date, and will be provided for a period of 12 months after the end of the lock-up period, at 25% quarterly.
☑️ Backup

➠ During the early stages of Ubcoin Marketplace development, at least 31% of the total supply will be maintained by Ubcoin Reserve Pool to protect the new cryptocurrency from speculative trading and maintain flexibility in the early stages of system evolution. The Ubcoin Reserve Pool can be released in limited allotment with the Board of Directors' decision to ensure long-term return and liquidity for the UBC community

Our products are established on the following pillars: Adoption of mass cryptocurrency. We promote the mass adoption of digital assets that are a means of settlement and investment vehicle, thereby enlarging benefits for all parties to everyday buying and selling interactions. Peer-to-peer interaction. Cut as many intermediaries from the value chain as possible. This platform facilitates the implementation of intelligent contracts between independent parties. The Ubcoin Marketplace has no merchandise for sale, it is unbiased in its search results, and protects the fairness of a smart contract. The legal market. We pay special attention to ensure the legitimacy of goods and services sold in the Ubcoin market. We are developing an advanced AI technology to help pre-screen seller postings for any potential violation of reason, morality, security and reasonable care. Transparency and verification seller profiles will be strongly encouraged and promoted. Decentralization of transactions and settlements. Blockchain allows for the decentralization of initiation, completion and fulfillment of transactions. Pay as soon as performance under smart contracts are made with care. The interface is perfect. Our interface design brings harmony and seamless experience of buying and selling items globally. We will strive to open our APIs to communities to develop the best adaptation of platforms for the specific local needs of the global community. Go to community. Some transactions may, in the future, require additional KYC / AML Procedures for smart contract execution for certain types of transactions involving third party providers (ie shipping companies, couriers, notaries). The Ubcoin platform envisions unlimited involvement from these parties.

For more information, visit

Website: https://www.ubcoin.io/
Newsletter: http://doc.ubcoin.io/whitepaper.pdf?v1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ubcoinmarket
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ubcoin
Telegram: https://t.me/ubcoin
